Guide on How to Add Customer Surveys to Service Titan

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In the competitive home service industry, gathering customer feedback is crucial to enhancing service quality and maintaining a competitive edge. 

Customer surveys are powerful tools that provide insights into customer satisfaction, preferences, and areas needing improvement. Integrating customer surveys with Service Titan can streamline the process, making collecting and analyzing valuable data easier. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to add customer surveys to Service Titan, enabling you to leverage customer feedback to drive business growth and improve service delivery.

What are Customer Surveys?

Customer surveys are structured questionnaires that collect client feedback regarding their experiences with your services. They serve as crucial instruments for gauging customer satisfaction, identifying strengths, and pinpointing improvement areas; by capturing direct insights from customers, home service businesses can make informed decisions that enhance service quality and foster customer loyalty.

Key Components of Effective Surveys

  1. Clear Objectives: Identify what you would like to achieve with the survey to ensure relevant and actionable insights.
  2. Simple and Concise Questions: Use straightforward, jargon-free language to encourage honest and meaningful responses.
  3. Balanced Length: Make the survey short enough to respect the customer’s time but comprehensive enough to gather essential data.
  4. Variety of Question Types: To capture diverse feedback, incorporate a mix of multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions.
  5. Anonymity Assurance: Ensure respondents that their feedback will be used constructively and that their identities will remain confidential if requested.
  6. Post-Survey Follow-Up: Based on the feedback received, plan appropriate follow-up actions to show customers that their input is valued and acted upon.

Types of Surveys Suitable for Service Industries

  1. Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSAT): Measure customer satisfaction with specific aspects of your service, enabling targeted improvements.
  2. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Assess customers’ likelihood of recommending your services to others, providing insights into overall customer loyalty.
  3. Service Quality Surveys: Focus on the perceived quality of specific services, helping identify areas for enhancement.
  4. Post-Service Feedback: Conduct surveys immediately after service delivery to capture timely and relevant feedback.
  5. Periodic Check-In Surveys: Regularly gauge customer satisfaction and need to maintain an ongoing understanding of customer sentiments.

Integrating customer surveys into Service Titan is a strategic move to gather invaluable feedback and improve service delivery. Follow the steps below to add and manage customer surveys seamlessly within the platform.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Customer Surveys to Service Titan

Integrating customer surveys into Service Titan is a strategic move to gather invaluable feedback and improve service delivery. The following steps outline how to add and manage customer surveys seamlessly within the platform.

Step 1: Log in to Your Service Titan Account

Before you can start adding customer surveys, ensure that you are logged in to your Service Titan account. Use your credentials to access the dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the Settings

Once you’re in the dashboard, locate the “Settings icon”, typically in the screen’s upper right corner. Click on this icon to open the Settings menu.

Step 3: Access the Customer Surveys Section

Within the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Customer Surveys” section. Click on it to proceed to the survey management interface.

Step 4: Create a New Survey

In the Customer Surveys section, you will see an option to “Create New Survey”. Click on this button to start the survey creation process.

Step 5: Define Survey Objectives

Specify the objectives of your survey to ensure you gather relevant and actionable data. This might include measuring customer satisfaction, collecting post-service feedback, or assessing overall service quality.

Step 6: Design Your Survey

  1. Title and Description: Give your survey a clear title and a brief description to inform customers about its purpose.
  2. Question Types:
  • Rating Scales: Add questions that allow customers to rate your services on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5).
  • Multiple-Choice Questions: Include multiple-choice questions to gather specific feedback on various service aspects.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Incorporate open-ended questions to capture detailed, qualitative feedback.
  • Ensure that the questions are simple, concise, and relevant to your survey objectives.

Step 7: Set Survey Parameters

Determine when and how the survey will be distributed. Options might include:

  • Post-Service Completion: Automatically send surveys to customers immediately after service is completed.
  • Periodic Intervals: Send surveys at regular intervals to capture ongoing customer sentiment.
  • Specific Triggers: Use custom triggers, such as after resolving a service issue, to send targeted surveys.

Step 8: Configure Anonymity and Privacy Settings

Configuring anonymity settings ensures your customers’ privacy. Inform respondents that their identities will remain confidential if requested, encouraging honest and open feedback.

Step 9: Preview and Test the Survey

Before making the survey live, preview it to check for errors or unclear questions. Then, send the survey to a small group of internal staff for a test run to ensure it’s functioning properly and achieving your objectives.

Step 10: Deploy the Survey

Deploy the survey once you’re satisfied with the preview and test results. Service Titan allows you to automate survey distribution based on the parameters you set in Step 7.

Step 11: Monitor and Analyze Responses

After deployment, use Service Titan’s analytics tools to monitor survey responses. Analyze the data to gain insights into customer satisfaction, service quality, and areas for improvement.

Step 12: Act on Feedback

The final step is to take productive steps based on the feedback received. Implement changes to address identified issues and leverage strengths highlighted by your customers. Follow-up actions show customers that their input is valued and can significantly enhance customer loyalty.


Integrating customer surveys into Service Titan is a crucial step toward enhancing service quality and boosting customer satisfaction. 

By following this step-by-step guide, businesses can efficiently gather and analyze customer feedback, which drives continuous improvement and fosters customer loyalty. From defining survey objectives and designing intuitive questions to deploying surveys strategically and acting on the insights gained, each component plays a vital role in realizing the full potential of customer feedback.

Ready to elevate your customer experience with tailored surveys in Service Titan? Partner with Build Media Group to implement best practices and achieve data-driven success. Schedule a call with our experts today and let us help you get started!